Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Matthew Dear - "Slowdance"



"Weight of My Words" - Kings of Convenience (Remix)

It's really a shame these guys came about at the same time as Kings of Leon because now whenever you see "Kings of" you can't help but think of those pop-southern-rock-alt-bros when you see these Norwegian indie folks. At any rate, a pretty great remix:

Roger Miller - "Oo De Lally"

Marques' first post - oo de lally oo de lally golly what a day.

Elizabeth Mitchell - "Little Bird Little Bird"

My first post - enjoy

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Grimes - "Genesis"

I believe they call her genre "witch house". She's the new Bjork.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lower Dens - "Brains" and "Stem"

One of my favorite new bands is Lower Dens. Their latest album, NOOTROPICS, came out last week. Here is my favorite single from it, along with the song that immediately follows it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Sad Captains - "Little Joanne"

One Little Plane - Into the trees

A new release of a great poppy/folksy/regina-spektor-y female artist named One Little Plane.

The way I heard about her is through Kieren Hebden (four tet). He produced it, and also played guitars. (The dude is so talented!)

Here is the whole album.